Advancement By Liposuction Surgeons India: Are You Ready To Be Fat Free?
Advancement By Liposuction Surgeons India: Are You Ready To Be Fat Free?
Even after significant advancement by liposuction surgeons in India, numbers of willing ideal patients hesitate to come forward. Are you ready to be fat free?
Liposuction, also termed lipoplasty, liposculpture or lipo is a common cosmetic surgery in United Kingdom and America. More than 400,000 surgeries are performed each year in US only. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery performed to break up and suck the deposited fat from particular body part/s, most commonly thighs, buttocks, abdomen, neck, chin, arms, back and calves etc. Cannula, powered with high-pressure vacuum, is inserted in the skin at target area to suck out the broken fat. The quantity of fat to be shed is decided by the liposuction surgeons only after testing the amount of fat deposit and its hardness.
Lipo-suction Surgeons at Pune (India) performed this surgery on a 45 years old woman weighing about 130 kg; the success story of removing 24.5 kg fat deposit in single sitting became the milestone ( According to general opinion, the ideal fat amount that can be sucked in one go is limited to 10 % of body weight. Exceeding the limit may land the patient in soup leaving to experience the problems like low hemoglobin, giddiness and fatigue. Definitely, it is not obesity treatment. Also it doesn’t remove the cellulite, stretch marks and dimples. It is an aesthetic oriented cosmetic surgery that is affordable, safe and painless without significant blood loss.
The credit of Liposuction invention in 1974 goes to two American- Italian surgeons – Doctor Giorgio & Arpad Fischer. Innovative Lipo surgeons made significant advancement over the four decades since its invention; today, larger amount fat cells are removed with shorter recovery period and less medication. The removed fat can be used as the natural filler to reshape the other body area to enhance the overall personality. Even after significant advancement by liposuction surgeons in India, numbers of willing ideal patients hesitate to come forward because of some baseless misconceptions; lack of information available is the major reason.
Are you a good candidate for liposuction? People with neither blood circulation problems including coronary artery diseases, diabetes, weakened immune system are nor good patient for liposuction. Candidates must be over 18 years old. Good skin elasticity and tone are the primary parameters to judge the candidature. You should share your medical history with liposuction surgeons while consulting and planning for fat removal through Lipo-suction because post surgery medication is inevitable.
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