
Services offered by Dr. Rohit Krishna


Brachioplasty is the medical term for an upper arm lift procedure. During BRACHIOPLASTY SURGERY excess fat and skin is removed from the upper arm area in order to create a firmer more youthful looking arm contour. A brachioplasty can enhance the appearance of arms that, with age or weight loss, have lost their natural firmness and shape.

Patients who have had mastectomy surgery may not be able to have a brachioplasty because of the increased risks repeated of armpit infections also people with excess sweat production may also not be good candidates for brachioplasty cosmetic surgery.

Loose upper arm skin is most often related to weight loss. If you were ever overweight, you more than likely developed heavy upper arms. To accommodate the increased volume of the upper arms, your skin stretched. After weight loss, the skin often fails to tighten, and so it sags. The only way to improve this problem is through an arm lift.

Not if your problem is due to loose skin. The only time lipo is a better choice is when there is a lot of fat and the skin is tight. When the skin is loose, an arm lift is usually the best choice.

This is done under local or general anaesthesia. The excess skin is marked before anaesthesia. The incision extends from elbow to the arm pit. Only skin and soft tissue is excised from the inner side of the arm.

Scars are the greatest drawback of this operation. They will extend from the armpit to the elbow, along the inside of the arm. This operation exchanges one cosmetic problem (loose skin) for another (scars). In general, those with very loose saggy skin are most likely to find this exchange worthwhile. Those with a small amount of looseness will probably not want the scars.

Recovery from Arm Lift Surgery Length of stay: Outpatient (home same day).

Before Surgery Avoid taking aspirin, advil, motrin, or other aspirin-containing products for two weeks If you are a smoker, stop smoking to aid in healing.

Final result: Will be seen after the scars have matured, which will be about six months. Improves over 14 days.